Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Why I want to be a teacher

Ever since I was little I have always wanted to be a teacher. Growing up I had the mini chalkboard and would force my younger brother to sit through math and spelling lessons. Ever since I was a young girl I have always been a active person and know I would never be able to sit down in a 9-5 job. Having been the only girl in the family with an older brother who taught and competed with me in all sports. This allowed me to see my true passion for sports. So combining my love for teaching,children, and love for sports being a teacher seemed to be the best job for me.

Since physical education does not take place within a classroom setting the technology that I foresee using will be a little different. I feel that technology within education can only enhance education and the learning process. For example, within my class I could give out pedometers and have the kids see how many steps they can take in a day, week, or month hopefully having them set goals and become more active. I could also use the smart board and have them play that Jeopardy game and if they answer a health and fitness question wrong they have to do a certain amount of push ups or sit up. I feel as through technology brings new and exciting tools to a class which can get children exciting to learn and be active.


Prof. Sorenson said...

It is so great to read about your teaching experiences as a kid and how your love for sports and teaching have come together to provide a meaningful career for you. And as you mention technology probably won't be a high priority for you, however, there will be ways for you to use technology to encourage your students to learn and achieve

Beth said...

Thank You for your comments and I am looking forward to seeing how I can incorporate technology into my classroom.