Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Future Classroom

For me in the P.E. classroom I don't for see too much new technology being incorporated into my classroom. To think logically and looking at Liberty's PE department I for see DVD cardio workout tapes instead of VHS and possibly a flat screen T.V. I have already talked to my cooperating teacher about incorporating blogging for the student"s fitness journals. I could for see my students do to my excitement for technology utilizing online interactive calenders that I have created. I would also like to bring music into the PE room so when students are doing cardio days they can have music. It has been proven that people who listen to music while working out workout harder. With all that IPOD technology and speakers how easy would that be. I know that my school does have HR monitors but I would for see getting better HR monitors being incorporated into the classroom. I know there are HR monitors where teachers can read on there hand help system what every child's HR is and can print out their students effort for that activity. CREAT WEB SITE FOR PE TECHNOLOGY INCORPORATION

Monday, November 26, 2007

Online Grading System At Liberty

The other day at Liberty I was given the opportunity to put in the classes daily attendance into the schools web based attendance and grading system. One of the things that I liked about this system was on the attendance portion it had all the students pictures uploaded next to each child's name. I liked this feature because it allowed me to put faces to the kids names and a great tool for me to be able to learn the kids names outside of class time.
Another cool feature to the system is every time a teacher imputes a grade it is live and a parent or child can log into the system and see their child's grade up to that point. One benefit to this system is parents can always check their son or daughters grade and don't have to pester you for the information. As a future coach and teacher this system also, allows me to track students and players and how they are doing in all their classes.
Due to the fact that this system is new this year not everybody totally understands the program yet. For example, some teachers were putting in their grades but weren't checking the box to have it be shown to students and parents, so parents weren't seeing their child's grades for that class. Another problem my teacher said is that some teacher are still stuck in their old grade book ways and only post their quarter and semester grades on the database, and that is only because it is a school policy. By doing this students don't get the full benefit of seeing how they are doing on a regular basis.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Quote that stuck with me

"Hate Something Worth Hating!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Staff Meeting

Today when I was at an all staff meeting at Liberty High School and one of topics on the agenda for the day was tech tips. When we got to the topic a teacher went up there and talked about another way to get parents off their back. First he stated that if you have a classroom blog and parents get a Gmail account then then can register to get an RSS feed that he explain is an email sent to the parent on their account every time you the teacher update the blog. This is much like sending out a mass email to all the parents just by updating your classroom blog.

I have to say that I felt like I knew what the teacher was talking about when I know and could see that more than half the teacher within the staff meeting had no idea what he was doing. Basically I felt smart!!!!

Things happening in class

So can I just say that I love going to school and doing my observations. Every time that I am their I get reassured that this is the job for me. In the class right now I take attendance, leading drills, and stretches which makes me feel as though I am a real teacher. Since I have been at the school I have had the opportunity to observe all the PE teachers in the department (weighting, aerobic,s PE 1 and PE 2), a health room, and a study skills classroom. When I am in class I do the activities with the kids if they are play Badmition I participate, if they are lifting I lift, and if they are doing step class I do steps.
All in all I have nothing but positive experiences at my school

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Incorporating Technology Into P.E. Classroom

So I was on pe.links4u and found an article titled Benefits Vs Hindrances of using Technology in Physical Eduction, by Kim McCorquodale. Kim talked to a few physical educators who had brought technology into their P.E. room. The first Brian Hagbo who was traditionally a teacher who just wanted to keep doing what he was doing, finally incorporated technology into his class. He first started using HRM in class, so students could realize the effort that they needed to put forth in order to stay in their HR zone. Brian also used the down loadable software that came with the HRM, and would compute daily points for each student based on students staying in their Max HR zone. The teacher stated that this method was much more objective than how he used to do it. Before he would have to evaluate a student's running effort based on outwardly perceived effort or whether they ran the entire time. This to me sounds like a easier way to not be biased when grading students in class. After reading the article I didn't see any reason for technology to be classified as a hindrance in the classroom. The only thing that would be a hindrance would be the time that it takes to become comfortable with the technologies that you want to include in your classroom.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Questions for Panel Members

1) Do feel as though your degree from Northwest University adequately prepared you for the field of work that are in?

2) What is one thing that you could tell us to help prepare us for the so called "REAL WORLD!"