Monday, October 8, 2007

Technology Integration

Tools needed to add this technology into lesson:
-Smart Board
-Notebook Software to create own Smart Board presentation
-Media Software to show advertisements and commercials
-1 computer for every three children that has Microsoft Publisher
-Have classroom Blog

How technology in lesson changes learning environment and makes lesson more learner-centered:

-Video commercials- bring the material to life.
-Using the Smart Board and Multimedia Software can accommodate different learning styles. Hands on learners can benefit from toughing and marking on the board, audio learners can have the benefit from the classroom discussion, and visual learners can sit back and see what develops on the board.
-The Smart Board can also be used to accommodating students with limited motor skills. Because of the Smart Boards large format it makes it easier for students to run programs by tapping on the board rather than having to click a mouse.
-Using interactive technologies students learn to organize complex information, pattern, draw inferences, communicate findings and learn better organizational and problem-solving skills.
-By using technology in the classroom students are more motivated to learn material when it is presented because they like it better and it also increased family involvement (because families can go to classroom blog and can be used as a good communication tool).
-By adding adding the Smart Board into my lesson plan it would allow me the to use my finger like a mouse and be more hands on when presenting material.
-By having the students create their own presentation it allows the students to have their own freedom to develop their own product. Instead of the learning environment just being direct instruction and classroom discussion it turns into the students learning through guided inquiry instruction to develop their own end product.
-Multimedia technology allows a lesson to become learner centered because it allows more tools to be used to accommodate the multiple intelligences, much more than traditional teaching methods can. Here is a link to a list of the multiple intelligences and the technology tools that can be used to teach them.

-I feel as though technology can bring more excitement to a classroom. This excitement is not only limited to the students but the educator as well. I feel technology can be used as a tool to get teachers excited about presenting content in a new manner. I am a true believer if a educator has excitement than that is transferred on to the students. So students get the benefit of learning content in a new exciting manner and they also get a teacher who is eager to present content material in a new manner.

Challenges that may occur if added this technology to lesson:

-One challenge that would be hard to overcome would be getting all of the technologies into my classroom. I see this as being a problem of budget. I would think since Physical Education and music are one of the first departements to have budget cuts that they would be one of the last departments to recieve technological advancements. I could overcome this challenge by going out and getting grants. Here is a link to a website that gave some ideas of how go about optaining grants for technolgy use in the classrooms.

-First, I would want to make sure that I go through my Smart Board presentation to make sure that it worked right and to make sure I wasn't wasteing lecture time trying to figure out how to run the Smart Board.

-Another challenge that could occur would be the children finding inappropriet commercials on the Internet. I could overcome this challenge by giving the children a list of websites and commercials that were appropriete for their viewing.

-Before the lesson I would want to go through to make sure the commericals that I would use to demonstrae the fallacies worked through the media software on the computer hooked up to the Smart Board.

NETS Lesson Covers:

3. Technology productivity tools
-Students use technology tools to enhance learning, increase productivity, and promote creativity.
-Students use productivity tools to collaborate in constructing technology-enhanced models, prepare publications, and produce other creative works

4. Technology communications tools
-Students use telecommunications to collaborate, publish, and interact with peers, experts, and other audiences.
-Students use a variety of media and formats to communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences.

5.Technology research tools
Students use technology to locate, evaluate, and collect information from a variety of sources.
-Students use technology tools to process data and report results.
-Students evaluate and select new information resources and technological innovations based on the appropriateness for specific tasks.

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