Thursday, August 30, 2007

"Engage Me or Enrage Me" my comments

When it comes to the students that you will face within the classroom those that are unmotivated are the ones that can gain the most from new and exciting tools that technology brings. Using technology and creativity as tools to give information, students will throw away their previous basis of school as being boring and a waste of time. I know I have basis when a professor walks in with a VHS that is in black in white and puts on for us to watch. All I can think is "wow this in going to be boring, no special affects, maybe I can take a nap." This biases is how many students see their classrooms as boring and uninteresting. Even though the content of the movie or lecture may be great children's minds are just not stimulated enough to allow them to see the full picture.

As future educators we have to understand that children when they leave the classroom are going home to video games, television, and i pods that take their attention. So sitting in a classroom as a teacher talks from a podium is some what of a bore and not engaging. So we as teachers need to delve into these children's world and make our classrooms much more engaging by using some of the educational technologies that are out there.
I think it is import to not boycott the technology that are children are playing with but embrace them and find ways to use them within our classroom.
I take the technology movement as somewhat of a fun challenge to see what we can do to engage our students. The challenge being that teachers will have to get out of their comfort zones but the fun is see our students wanting to come to class and learn.

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