Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Smart Board and Teaching

With proper planning, prepartion, ad training, the smart board is a powerful instruction tool, which can be adapted for use with a wide range of subjects and ages. Interactive Smart Boards are a great tool for educators who want to involve their studens in tearning and tecnology. In a study done by Dr. Mary Ann Bell on, she found statistically a significant improvement in student attitudes when teachers used both computers in instruction and when they used interativeboards.

I found some information as to why teacher's like interactive whiteboards on smarttech:
1. The interactive electronic whiteboard is great for demonstrations....
2. The interactive electronic whiteboard is a colorful tool. Research indicates that students respond to displays where color is employed...
3. The board can accommodate different learning styles...
4. All ages of students respond favorably to board use...
5. Distance learning is an excellent setting for interactive whiteboard use...
6. One-computer classrooms can maximize the use of limited computer access...
7. The interactive whiteboard is an excellent tool for the constructivist educator...
8. The boards are clean and attractive tools...
9. Students with limited motor skills can enjoy board use...
10. It is interactive...
11. It can interface well with other peripherals....
12. The board is great for meetings are lessons where the participants need printed copies...
13. It is a kid magnet! ...

Anecdotal evidence of the impart of electronic whiteboards found on
-Learners show increased motivation and enjoy the interaction the technology offers
-It makes the subject come alive
-It captures the attention of learners
-It encourages the involvement of learners in the subject
-It enables tutors to use multimedia resources and the internet with a whole class

Atherley School in Southampton, England describes how electronic whiteboards can benefit teaching and learning:
1. The teacher at the front of the class and the whole class engaged together...
2. It gives the teacher instant access to a vast array of electronic resources...
3. It enables seamless links to be made between the technology and the subject material...
4. Teachers are rethinking their approach to teaching...
5. The flexibility and the scope for imaginative lesson planning is huge...
6. Pages can automatically be saved and can be printed, emailed or even pasted into a website...
7. The flipchart files can be updated or merged with other Windows applications...

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