Monday, October 8, 2007

Smart Board Planning Document

Activity Plan for Smart Board Presentation

Subject: Health Date: November 6, 2007
Grade Level: 7-9
Teachers Name: Beth Knudtson

GLE EARLS: BENCHMARK / GLE 2.1.1. Understand body systems and their functions.

Activity Plan: I will be presenting a smart board ear activity. Through direct and cooperative learning students will learn the structure of the ear and understand how hearing works.

Anticipatory Set: “Can you imagine what your life would be lie without the ability to hear?” Get into groups of three and spend 1 min discuss how students life’s would be affected. (For the sake of this activity show how you could change the time on the clock and how good of an attribute this timer would make to a presentation so students can visually see the time on the clock).
- Have one person from each group come up and write one of their ideas on the Smart Board. Then go over some of the ideas that the Smart Board gave on how peoples lives would be affected.

Transition: Now that we have talked about some of ways in which our lives would be affected with out hearing let us do a little anatomy of the ear.

Anatomy of the Ear: First, ask for volunteers to match the words to the places on the ear. Then call upon students one at a time to guess where they think some of the words go give hint that some of the words look like their part on the ear. (Then click on link to see if the class is right).

How Ear Works: The next slide shows how the ear works. After the video I will have the class split up so there is 4 groups giving each of them the 1-4 stages of hearing that the video showed. Their task will be to redraw their assigned stage writing what is happening to the ear. Then I will have each group when ready come up on the Smart Board and draw what they have come up with. After everyone has drawn their stage they will present to the class explaining what is happening in their stage.

Conclusion: So today class he have learned some of the things in our lives that would be affected if we were to lose our hearing, learned a little anatomy of the ear and how sound vibrations cause us to hear.

The use of interactive board in classroom:
-Depending on the subject of either health or P.E. the interactive white board would be highly effective within my classroom. To have an interactive white board in the gym would seem like a silly way of spending money, although a few uses do come to mind. For example, when doing fitness drills I could put together a slide show using media software, of the muscles that students are manipulating. This would allow the student to not only feel the muscles that they are working but physically see what is happening in their body. I know when I am working out I like to be able to look in the mirror and see the muscles that I am strengthening and if I do it gets motivated to lift more. The interactive videos on the Smart Board could have the same effect on my students and get them excited to manipulate those muscles.
-The Smart Board is a great tool to be able to give old content material to students in a new interactive presentation. The interactive whiteboard is also, a great tool to be used for demonstrations. In a survey done “In a Baker’s Dozen Reason!” by Mr. Mary Ann Bell, found that many technology teachers and specialists reported enthusiasm for the board in the instructional setting. As a future teacher I would contribute this excitement to the fact that a presenter can run any application from the board, using their finger like a mouse, allowing the presenter to be more hands on when presenting material.
Another benefit students would gain from this interactive white board is that it is a great colorful tool. Research done by Dr. Mary Ann Bell found that students respond to displays where color is used. So having a Smart Board where markings can be done in the pen and or using the highlighter features to display a number of different colors, makes the Smart Board a vibrant tool that can only benefit students. Along with all the Smart Board’s different color features it can also adjust the width of lines to add flexible marking, which could help students who are visually impaired.
-The board can also be used to accommodate different learning styles. Hands on learners can benefit from touching and marking on the board, audio learners can have the benefit from the classroom discussion, and visual learners can sit back and see what develops on the board.

-The Smart Board can also be used to accommodating students with limited motor skills. Because of the Smart Boards large format it makes it easier for students to run programs by tapping on the board rather than having to click a mouse. This tool could also be used for young students who are learning to write because they can write on the board with their fingers rather than using the small lines on the paper.
-Within the health classroom students could benefit from the Smart Board, for example if I were to show a diagram of a lung and mark on the board in order to point out the lung features and or label its parts. I could also, use the board to show a video tape of the proper shooting technique, and mark on the board as the shooting motion occurred to show when and where a player should complete certain actions. I could also scan images of a proper shooting technique and add in written text describing the proper fundamentals that skill requires.
-All in all the Smart board is a powerful instructional told, which can be adapted to use and enhance learning in a wide range of subjects and ages.

-Changed timer to be 1 min instead of 5.
-I added in a new slide for students to write in their ideas in ways our lives would be affected by not being able to hear.
-I also added in a pull down covering to go over some of the answers to ways in which our lives would be affected if we could not hear. I Imported music and a couple of pictures to includ in the slide that cover how our lives would be affected with out sound.

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