Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Inspiration Software

Today in class I created my very own Kidspiration balanced diet document. You can look if you like. The software seems like a great tool for students. The Inspiration software can be used to help develop students critical thinking skills through visual learning. I could see this software as a successful tool because the method in which ideas, concepts, data and other information are all presented in a visual manor. By using the visual learning tools found in this software students learn to clarify thoughts, organize and analyze information, integrate new knowledge and think critically.
Inspiration: is a tool for students grades 6-12 to use to plan, research and complete projects. Students can use the diagram view to create graphic organizers, to compare and evaluate information. Through this view students can brainstorm new ideas and use symbols and words to represents concepts.
-The students can then switch to the Outline view to further organize and develop their work into written reports.

-I could use this Software in my Physical Education classroom to have my students develop their own fitness plan. They could use symbols to represent certain activities they would be doing along with many other things.
-I could also use the software to group concept map aerobic and anaerobic activities.
-Another way I could incorporate this software into my classroom is when I go to teach about a balanced diet I could have them create their own meal like I did in the Link above.


Prof. Sorenson said...

Great ideas for how you could use Inspiration. I hope it will be available at the school where you teach.

Beth said...

Thank you I rally do see my self having kids develop their own fitness routine and think that this would be a great tool or software to allow my students to do this.