Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Accomodations for Students

As a health and fitness teacher it will be important for me to be able to understand many different special needs that students will have. I may not always know about all the special needs that will walk into my classroom but I need to have the resources available to me to find what one is. So, that is why I have choosen this as one of my topics. It seems that Physical Education is one of the first classes that students with special needs are mainstreamed into. Thhat is why it is important for me to have the resourse available for me to be able to understand a special need inorder to help me best connect to my students. As a teacher it is my job is to recognize the special needs in my classroom and know how to best accomodate. I need to be able to do this in order for that student to have the best P.E. experience possible. I also, have to understand that I will not be able to know every single special need but if one does enter myclass room I need to be able to use my resources to learn about the special need and accomodate to the student. For example, if a child with ADD/ADHD enters my class, I can go to my ADD/ADHD link and research the special need and see how I can best accomodate my teaching toenhance that students learning experience.

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