Monday, September 17, 2007

Technology Ideas for ELAR's and GLEs

Looking at the ELARs and GLEs there are many opportunities that I could use technology to enhance my classroom. By using technology in P.E it brings a new level of awareness to students and how they use their bodies. I could also use technology as a tool to enhance my teaching and my future student learning.
Project Ideas:
-To meet the Health GLE/Benchmark 2.2.2a-Understand the concepts and factors to communicatable diseases, I could have my students all choose one disease and do either a pamphlet, three page paper, or Power Point presentation describing the disease, symptoms, treatment, commonality, causes, and prevention.
-One of the requirements would be that they have to use at least three different sources from three different databases example (one journal article, one credited internet, encyclopedia ext.
-Another idea for a project to meet this GLE I would have the students find one health related journal article with a minimum of four pages. I would have the students turn in the article and write a two page paper that would include a summary, their comments, what they learned, and if they feel the article was accurate why or why not.
-To meet the GLE/Benchmark 3.2b-Analyze health information messages I would do an assignment to promote making healthy decisions. The assignment that I would give would be called Healthy Eating On The Road. The task would be for my student to pretend that they were going to be going on a road trip for three days and had to eat all fast food. They would have to come up with at least three meals for three days eating all fast food and see if they could eat a balanced nutritious diet meeting the daily nutritional requirements. The student would have to use the internet and the fast food websites to build their meals finding out all the nutritional value and printing it off. The students would have to eat from at least five different fast food places eating seven different meals. The students would then have to analyze their calorie, fat, carbohydrate, protein, and vitamin requirements and see what ones they meet or did not. I would then have them do a page write up explaining what they felt did well at and what dietary requirements were hard to meet and if so was it the options the restraunts had or was it what they decided to eat. Also, the students would have to comment on what fast food places were the easiest to make healthy choices.
-Another way to incorporate technology into the P.E. classroom would be to have a classroom Blog. The students would have to go on the Blog and start at least three health related topics and comment on ten other topics. This Blog could lead to a community of learners and get them thinking and informed on health related concepts.
-I could also require students to keep a online journal and w rite about their current fitness, goals, and what they are doing to meet their fitness goals in the classroom and out of the classroom.
-Another project idea would be for my students to keep a dairy for three days keeping track of what they ate and how much they ate. They would then have to go online to a nutritional calculator and plug in their foods and see how close there were to the daily nutritional guidelines. The students would then do a write up on things that they did well at in achieving the daily requirement and things that they could work on. I would also require them to think at long term things that they could change in order for them to meet the daily nutritional guidelines.

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